The largest medical database with references to journal articles in medicine, nursing and odontology from the 1940s and onwards. Also includes biomedicine and health, covering portions of the life sciences, behavioral sciences, chemical sciences and bioengineering.


Databasen är gratis tillgänglig för alla, men för att komma åt de tidskrifter KI prenumererar på i fulltext behöver du gå till Pubmed via bibliotekets webbplats. Genom 

Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the Ki-67 index prognostic relevance in a group of acromegalic patients who underwent transsphenoidal surgery for a GH-secreting pituitary adenoma. Both high Ki-67 expression and grade 3 tumours were independent predictors of inferior RFS in all patients, especially in those with luminal-like tumours (p < 0.05). Ki-67 was an independent prognostic factor for RFS in grade 1, 2 patients with luminal-like tumours (adjusted hazard ratio [HR] = 1.92, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.22-3.03, p PubMed Overview PubMed is a free resource supporting the search and retrieval of biomedical and life sciences literature with the aim of improving health–both globally and personally. The PubMed database contains more than 32 million citations and abstracts of biomedical literature. PubMed Central® (PMC) is a free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM). Furthermore, Ki-67 was demonstrated to be negatively correlated with ER/PR expression (P<0.001), but positively correlated with tumor size (P<0.001).

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The largest medical database with references to journal articles in medicine, nursing and odontology from the 1940s and onwards. Also includes biomedicine and health, covering portions of the life sciences, behavioral sciences, chemical sciences and bioengineering. PubMed PubMed Engelsk definition. A bibliographic database that includes MEDLINE as its primary subset.

The PubMed database contains more than 32 million citations and abstracts of biomedical literature.

Jag började arbeta som lärare vid Karolinska Institutet 2000 och avlade (JIF 2015: 2.335).

Även när du söker i databaser som är fritt tillgängliga för vem som helst att söka i, som Pubmed eller Google Scholar, är det bra att använda länkarna på  Nu är det nya gränssnittet i Pubmed på plats och har väckt många starka reaktioner. Men vad är det egentligen som är nytt?

Nu har biblioteket i Solna infört meröppet för KI-studenter och KI-anställda. Biblioteket i Solna kommer vara meröppet alla dagar i veckan kl 7.00–22.00 med KI-kort. 2021-03-16

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Physiology and Pharmacology Teaching and conducting internationally acclaimed, high Biosciences and Nutrition Performs research and education in e.g. molecular endocrinology, epigenetics, structural biochemistry, cellular virology and nutrition.

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PubMed citations are created for content not already in the MEDLINE database. Some PMC content, such as book reviews, is not cited in PubMed. In conclusion, PubMed citations come from 1) MEDLINE indexed journals, 2) journals/manuscripts deposited in PMC, and 3) NCBI Bookshelf. The results of this study provide evidence that both calcipotriol and MPA decrease the p53 and ki-67 expression and increase bcl-2 expression. However, it should further be elucidated if these changes were the common behaviour of psoriatic keratinocytes to any antipsoriatic medication. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Ki sa ki PubMed kanpe pou nan teks Nan Som, PubMed se yon mo akwonim oswa Abrevyasyon ki defini nan lang senp.
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The policy concerns all researchers at, or affiliated to, KI when publishing research results in publications.

PubMed New and Noteworthy: List of changes to PubMed by date, with links to the Technical Bulletin.; NLM Technical Bulletin: The NLM Technical Bulletin is your main source for detailed information about changes and updates to NLM resources, including MEDLINE and PubMed. Primary antihuman antibodies against P53, Ki-67, and CD34 were applied.
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Medicinsk epidemiologi och biostatistik Forskning och utbildning inom epidemiologi och biostatistik, ansvar bland annat för KI:s biobank och det Svenska Tvillingregistret. Mikrobiologi, tumör- och cellbiologi Bedriver forskning inom immunologi, infektion och cancer.

PubMed citations are created for content not already in the MEDLINE database. Some PMC content, such as book reviews, is not cited in PubMed. In conclusion, PubMed citations come from 1) MEDLINE indexed journals, 2) journals/manuscripts deposited in PMC, and 3) NCBI Bookshelf. The results of this study provide evidence that both calcipotriol and MPA decrease the p53 and ki-67 expression and increase bcl-2 expression. However, it should further be elucidated if these changes were the common behaviour of psoriatic keratinocytes to any antipsoriatic medication. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Ki sa ki PubMed kanpe pou nan teks Nan Som, PubMed se yon mo akwonim oswa Abrevyasyon ki defini nan lang senp.

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Cell and Molecular Biology A nationally leading academic research center of high international standard where science comes first and foremost.

Mikrobiologi, tumör- och cellbiologi Bedriver forskning inom immunologi, infektion och cancer. PubMed · Content: Articles · Terms of use: The largest medical database with references to journal articles in medicine, nursing and odontology from the 1940s and  Innehåller även biomedicin, delar av livsvetenskaperna, beteendevetenskap, kemi och bioteknik. PubMed via KI ger tillgång till KIs elektroniska prenumerationer  The aim of this study is to briefly review proliferation markers that can be applied in immunohistochemistry, with special emphasis on the monoclonal antibody  delar av livsvetenskaperna, beteendevetenskap, kemi och bioteknik. PubMed via KI ger tillgång till KIs elektroniska prenumerationer. Fritt tillgänglig för alla via  Just nu upplever många studenter problem med att nå Pubmed och andra biblioteksresurser. Detta beror på ett centralt problem med studentkonton. Vänd dig till  Databasen är gratis tillgänglig för alla, men för att komma åt de tidskrifter KI prenumererar på i fulltext behöver du gå till Pubmed via bibliotekets webbplats.